Galatians 5:22-26. Fruit of the Spirit!

Hello everyone,

I do hope that you all are doing well in these last days. For as well go from day to day we will cling even closer to our beloved FATHER GOD for guidance, protection and pure loving comfort. Where else will we get such peace and comfort?

In theses days and times, we all need to remember the fruit of the spirit. For these fruits will be nourished by our beloved savior JESUS. It needs to grow strong and be to continue to flourish as we stay in GODS word.

Let it be so now as when you see the word “fruit” or see “fruit” of any kind to remind you of the fruit of the spirit from Galatians 5:22_23 kjv. It will help you to remember this scripture. It works for me. Going into the grocery store you will see fruit.

We all need to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, peace towards others, joy to share with others so they will feel encouraged. We may have long suffering in life and will have perfect peace in heaven when we are allowed in, gentleness when we speak and interact with others.

Keeping our faith strong and steady, following the goodness of JESUS as how HE led by example as a man here on earth. Meekness and Temperence as we live on this earth with those who are not saved. For those who do not love GOD will test you every single chance you get.

They are led by evil. And don’t even know what they are doing, they are not concerned about getting into heaven.

Stay clear of those who seek to steal your joy at any point in time, that is a warning that they are up to no good. Keep your faith strong and thank GOD for all of your blessings!

Peace and blessing to you all!

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